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FAKRA Connectors

FAKRA connectors are mainly used in vehicles to connect GSM mobile radio and GPS antennas for transmitting camera data. As a large number of connections are laid in parallel, we offer plastic coding in up to 11 different colors as accessories for the connectors to virtually eliminate the risk of mix-ups.

FAKRA connectors comply with the DIN 72594-2 standard and are suitable for a temperature range of -40°C to +105°C. They can be combined with the common cable types RG58, RG174, RG316 and RG178, among others.

Assemblies with FAKRA connectors and a matching cable can be put

SHV Verbinder

Coaxial HV Connectors

MHV High-Voltage Connector

Miniature coaxial high-voltage connectors are also known as MHV connectors. When mated, they have a test voltage of 5 kV rms and an operating voltage of up to 1.6 kV rms. They are also designed for applications up to 300 MHz.

MHV-connectors are based on the construction of BNC connectors, but they have protrusive insulators, what leads to a slight protection against contact of conductors under voltage in an uncoupled condition

For a maximum contact protection of uncoupled connectors, the connector series SHV is recommended.

Our complete MHV range is available via our online shop.

Koaxialkabel, Koaxialstecker

TNC connector and N connector for LMR195 and LMR600

Up to now, our product range mainly comprised Amphenol Times Microwave Systems cables by the metre.
New in the range are now the matching TNC and N connectors for the LMR195 and LMR600 cables.
Below you will find a compact overview of our delivery programme of cables and connectors from Times.

TNC-plug, 7-16 DIN plug and N-plug for LMR195 and LMR600

TNC plug, straight, crimp
50 Ω
7-16 DIN plug, angle 90°, crimp
50 Ω
7-16 DIN plug, straight, crimp
50 Ω
N jack, straight, crimp
50 Ω
N plug, straight,

IP protection types for coaxial connectors

What are IP protection types?

The abbreviation IP stands for International Protection or also Ingress Protection (protection from intrusion). In our case, the protection class for coaxial connectors provides information about their suitability for certain environmental conditions. This classification clearly clarifies whether a connector is suitable for outdoor use, for example, or whether it could be damaged by penetrating moisture. Incidentally, similar requirements for cables are explained in the article “Jacket materials for coaxial cables”. The individual protection classes are defined within Germany according to DIN and internationally according to ISO.

How is the IP code composed?

The code …

Cover caps – Closure caps – Protective sleeves for cable assemblies

Now new in our range: Cover caps and protective sleeves for cable assemblies

Protect connectors from dust and dirt

To protect sensitive connectors, we have included suitable dust and transport protection covers as accessories in our range.

Unless otherwise stated, the matching transport protection we offer always applies to the entire connector series, i.e. both plugs and sockets.

Our sleeves provide ideal protection against mechanical influences, dust and moisture by firmly and tightly connecting the connector to the housing.

They are also characterised by their reusability!

They can be used more than once and are therefore perfect for …

Koax24 Kabelkonfigurator

No-name or branded goods? You have the choice!

You can choose between BNC_farbig_konfektionassemblies, which are assembled exclusively with brands of well-known manufacturers, and assemblies by manufacturers, who are less well-known. This does not mean, that the quality of the connectors and the resulting cable assemblies are worse or worth less. But it might be an option for especially price-sensitive applications, as the assemblies are usually between 2 to 5 €  more favourable than goods of brand manufacturers.

Example: BNC cable assembly by Telegärtner or by our alternative manufacturer
Price difference: 2.80 €

We check every batch of the connectors on technical parameters and pay close attention to …